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Make good things happen

A Few Rules to Follow on Ulule

Ulule is a service designed to bring Internet users and project owners together in support of creative, social and humanitarian projects. Our sincere wish is to build a welcoming community that is a meeting place for mutual support and exchange, where everyone can interact in a friendly and respectful way. This means we have to follow certain rules.

For everyone

Be courteous.
Don’t harass or be abusive to other members.
Don’t post content that is obscene, racist, hateful, or offensive.
If you don’t like a project, then don’t donate to it. It has a right to exist, and there’s no need to be aggressive.
We validate the projects that are posted to the site. But if for some reason you come across a project that violates the Ulule Terms and Conditions don't hesitate to report it to us.

For project owners

Ulule is a tool through which creative, social and humanitarian projects can find financial support. It’s an excellent place to raise funds so that the great ideas of artists, filmmakers, comic strip authors, programmers, journalists, adventurers, writers, craftspeople, businesses, and many others can come to life. However, Ulule will only accept projects that are in the interest of the community or the social good.

Promoting your project is a great thing! But spamming people is bad. Be careful not to cross the line. Do not contact Ulule members that you do not know to ask them to support your project. It's a bad idea... and it is very rude. You will have to think of more creative solutions to be noticed!

Ulule will refuse projects that are currently fundraising on other crowdfunding services - do not multiply your fundraising by copying/pasting your project. If your project has failed on another platform, there is surely a reason, think and try to improve it before you submit it to Ulule (ditto if your project has failed here). Ulule will remove any project violating these rules (even if it's online).

Avoid promoting your project on other members’ project pages. Such comments will be deleted.

Don’t post copyrighted material without permission – be sure to post only material you have a right to use. It would be a shame to have your project suspended because you used even a little copyrighted material.

Any activity that violates these few rules or the Ulule Terms and Conditions may result in suspension or deletion of the account or project concerned. We would really like to avoid having to do this, but that also depends on you. So let’s work together to be sure that Ulule remains an open, useful and friendly place!